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Threre are hundreds of successful international adoptions into the UK

Inter-country adoption into the UK is more popular than we are led to believe. There are over 3000 children who have found their forever families in the UK.

Decorative photo for Threre are  hundreds of successful international adoptions into the UK

Inter-country adoption has been happening in the UK for over 50 years. The first children from overseas adopted into the UK were a group of Chinese girls in the late 1950's, and since then there have been successful adoptions from 74 different countries, from Albania to Zambia, Kazakstan to Vietnam.

This little girl is an Ebola orphan from Sierra Leone - she is looking for a family.

In the past few years the average number of international adoptions a year is 318, however this is far below our Irish cousins who adopt approximately two thousand children a year, and our Italian neighbours who adopt over 4500 children a year.

With one in six UK families facing infertility problems, and over 28 000 women failing IVF every year, there is a very real need for potential prospective parents to become knowledgeable about the choice of international adoption to complete one's family.

There are many reasons why our numbers are lower and one of them is lack of concise, accurate and up to date information which is addressed with International Adoption Guide. Another is the negative view which is placed on it.

However, for the children who face a life devoid of love, in horrific conditions in an institution, adoption is the only chance they have to live a normal life.

It is my intention with this organisation, to demystify the complexities of inter-country adoption, to provide you with the where, who, when and how's of inter-country adoption and to fully support you in your adoption journey, so that you too may feel the beautiful joy of becoming parents to one of the world's children in need.

I love my child with all my heart and I thank God every day for bringing us together as a family. I totally believe in the success of international adoption for all parties involved.

Start your adoption journey today.


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"Adoptive parents are scared to death of the cost, they're scared to death of the paperwork, they're not quite sure what the process is like. So all of those fears wrapped into one, doesn't really help people to move forward and they kind of see an obstacle and wait or they don't do it at all," BB adoption worker -----------------------

“It is so great to find a site dedicated to adopting from abroad that is not American based I am looking for information as to what to do, who to see, how long will it take and how much does it cost ? many questions I know but I hope that one of you may have the answers.” Palin 36 Manchester

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