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Views archive

Our archive of views, opinion and reflections regarding international adoption into the UK.

Family Day!

This day, 6 years ago, my son and I became a family. I stood in the hallowed halls of the Russian Family Court and heard the words, "The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the City of St Petersburg now award you CT permanent custody of the orphan child XX"

Children Trafficked in the UK

A shocking story of how our system has failed vulnerable unprotected children.

A member has started the process!

Drop in number of baby adoptions

Today's figures reveal that only 60 babies were adopted in the UK last year, which means many are unnecessarily languishing in care. News reports and articles are siting all sorts of reasons.

Adopting Abroad: Saira's Story Part 2

Ah, how totally wonderful, to witness the touching completing of a family though the adoption of a little girl from Pakistan.

Adopting Abroad: Saira's Story

I have just watched the first part of the very honest BBC 2 documentary of a couple adopting from Pakistan - incredible.

Love and Legislation

There has been a recent pro international adoption fight back against major organisations who are jeopardising the lives of millions of children by outdated modes and fears. This is the latest from the Carnegie Council.

Holding Hands

Today when I was walking to school with my son, he was, as usual holding firmly onto my hand. He has a very strong grip which gives both him and I the feeling of safety.

New Major Position for Adoption in Politics

Common sense prevails, at long last. I am so grateful that at last adoption is being taken seriously in the high ranks of government, with the appointment of Martin Narey as Ministerial Advisor on Adoption.

Accelerating Progress to Help the World's Orphans

Dr Jane Aronson, Pediatrician and CEO of Worldwide Orphans Foundation writes from the field in Bulgaria

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Adoption News

Why UK has low Inter country adoption numbers

Published - Mar 23, 2017

Nepal to begin process to ratify Hague Convention

Published - Mar 14, 2017