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Views archive

Our archive of views, opinion and reflections regarding international adoption into the UK.

Hague 20 years on

Terre des homme comments on 20 years of Hague Conventions

Frankly OUtrageous

I have decided to start a Frankly Outrageous Blog. Every time I speak to prospective adoptive parents I am going to let everyone know how they have been treated

Dr. Jane Aronson on the Early Challenges of Adopting

Investing in your Future

Phew! Here is something that you have to hear...

Post IVF and Beyond Mentoring Programme

Introducing a fantastic new programme to help couples who are stuck in their parenting dreams. International Adoption Guide and All About You Coaching are very happy to bring you an excellent and comprehensive new course to guide and support you after your attempts to create a family through IVF have been unsuccessful.

Apology for Australians

How adoption went wrong in Australia, and why we are apologising today

Qinisani Home Orphanage

Qinisani Home Orphanage

Russia’s Adoption Ban Is Cruel and Vindictive to All

From The Daily Beast

Open letter to Mr Putin

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Adoption News

Why UK has low Inter country adoption numbers

Published - Mar 23, 2017

Nepal to begin process to ratify Hague Convention

Published - Mar 14, 2017