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Open Adoption

Children-in-need a commodity?

It seems that there is nothing as controversial as inter-country adoption.
I have been in this world for over 8 years now - as an adoptive parent, creator of adoption support group, as advocate. I have read everything I can get my hands on, spoken to hundreds of adoptive parents and dozens of adoptees, attended lectures, organised conferences etc., etc. and even now, I am still discovering…

No children in the UK available for adoption


No children in the UK available for adoption

How many times have I heard prospective adoptive parents telling me that they have been told this? So many times. We don't have any children for you, we will not be able…

Horrific reports about Irish Institutions

Listening to Radio 4 at the moment and the horrific stories of children who were placed in the institutions in Ireland and the dreadful abuse that they suffered. The Ryan Report outlines events in details. It is a disgrace - the whole complex system that was privy to what was going on behind the doors of those institutions to those little children and who did nothing. I feel such moral outrage -…


Thank goodness for the medical profession. In the whole adoption process doctors are the only one's who seem to understand things from both the parents perspective and the child's needs. Walking today in the park with an international adoption doctor the 'hot' topic of social workers telling infertile potential parents that they need to use contraceptives…

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Adoption News

Why UK has low Inter country adoption numbers

Published - Mar 23, 2017

Nepal to begin process to ratify Hague Convention

Published - Mar 14, 2017