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Views archive

Our archive of views, opinion and reflections regarding international adoption into the UK.

Emotional Blocks

I have a load of things to do on my to do list. And every morning I sit down and put them in the order of the most important and those things that I really need to get done TODAY. And then....

Letter to the UN

Att: UNICEF Rights of the Child in Child Friendly Language

New borns, Fashion, Thank yous and Creative Ideas

Absolutely thrilled with the arrival of my friend Molly and Nik's little boy, born yesterday evening. We have been waiting on tender hooks for this little one's arrival - and now he has arrived and the family is complete.

The Children's Society Key to Child happiness report

Key to children's happiness revealed, charity calls for 'radical new approach' to childhood

The Jewish Imperative for Child Adoption

Taken from New York Jewish Week magazine.

Don't Forget the Children without Families

Christmas has always been a difficult time for me. It is a family time, and when you are living in a country with no family, then that big day becomes problematic.

World's AIDS Day

We at International Adoption Guide observe World AIDS Day and support and honour those who are living with HIV and AIDS and encourage them with the knowledge that we are doing everything in our power to ensure their children grow up in loving and stable homes.

The lost opportunity

How totally disappointing was the documentary last night The Lost Orphan: Mirela's Story.

Decline in International adoptions

Interesting article on the drop of international adoptions into the US, one of the largest adopting nations.

Debate or Celebration?

It has been a hectic couple of weeks with adoption, adoption, adoption in the news. Very hot debates from one end of the spectrum to the other.

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Adoption News

Why UK has low Inter country adoption numbers

Published - Mar 23, 2017

Nepal to begin process to ratify Hague Convention

Published - Mar 14, 2017